Thursday, February 6, 2014

Baked Oatmeal.

1 cooking apple (pealed & diced)
3 cups of (gluten) free oats
1/2 cup of raspberries
3 cups of water
¼ cup Sweetener
Cinnamon to taste


  • Preheat oven to 190‘. 
  • Take out a loaf pan and grease lightly with spray oil.
  • Mix diced apples, oats, raspberries, water and sweetener. 
  • Pour in loaf tin and sprinkle on top a little cinnamon. (to taste)
  • Cover tightly with foil. 
  • Bake for 45 - 50 minutes, stirring halfway through.
  • Before serving let cool for 5-10 minutes in pan and enjoy!
  • Serve with warm low fat custard or fat free yogurt.


Simple Start Muffins.

3 Ripe Bananas - mashed
1 cup Skimmed milk
2 Eggs - lightly beaten with a fork
1 tsp Baking Powder
3 cups Oats
3 teaspoons Cinnamon
And add one of the following combinations:
Option 1:
Apples & Raspberry (One Peeled & Diced Apple & ½ cup Raspberries)
Option 2: 
Raspberry, Strawberry & Chocolate (½ cup Raspberries, ½ cup strawberries, one Aldi Moser Roth Milk Choc bar - grated *4pp*)
Option 3: 
1 cup Blueberries


  • Preheat oven to 180‘.
  • Mash the bananas in a medium mixing bowl with a fork, until the lumps are mostly gone.
  • Add the rest of the ingredients and stir together with your fork. 

*This is your basic mixture. You now mix in your optional ingredients.* 

Option 1: Apples & Raspberry
Option 2: Raspberry, Strawberry & Chocolate
Option 3: Blueberries

  • Spoon 1 tbsp of the mixture into each paper case. 
  • These muffins have a tendency to stick, so lightly spray with spray oil. 
  • It should make 15-18 muffins.
  • Cook for 20 minutes on 180’
  • Let the muffins cool for about 10 minutes on a wire rack before eating.